What did Andrew Tate say about COVID vaccines? 'Top G' changes stance in latest tweet
Andrew Tate recently changed his stance in regards to having the COVID vaccine after previously stating that he wanted "sovereignty" over his own blood.
The controversial internet personality is no stranger to ruffling feathers and challenging social norms, and did so regarding the COVID-19 vaccine last year. The former kickboxing champion didn't believe the vaccine would have affected his body and argued that he wanted to have the choice on whether or not he should take it.
In a clip doing the rounds on social media from 2022, Tate passionately explained his reasoning for why he was against the vaccine. He said:
"This vaccine's mandated, that's a huge deal to me. Do I believe the vaccines actually going to hurt me? No, I'm strong, I'm Ironman. But I should have some sovereignty over my own blood. You're telling me I don't get to choose what's in my bloodstream?...I can't make my own decision to keep my blood pure from your experimental vaccine?"Check out Tate's comments here:
'Top G' also took issue with the governments of the world pushing for everybody to get the vaccine for free, despite typically high medical costs in countries such as the United States.
"These people don't care about me. If I had diabetes and I needed insulin...They'd be hitting me with medical bills I could never possibly afford. They'd let me die. But they are insisting on me taking this shot for free, on repeat. This doesn't make sense."Andrew Tate changes stance on COVID-19 vaccine
Following his release from prison earlier this month, Andrew Tate revealed a change of heart in regards to the COVID vaccine.
'Top G' admitted that he may have made a mistake in judging the medicine so harshly after experiencing its effects in the real world and finding undeniable evidence.
The 36-year-old also alluded to the fact that he may be suffering from the virus currently, after previously claiming he would be "fine" if he ever contracted the illness. Andrew Tate wrote:
"I've been thinking long and hard and its time to admit I was wrong. I thought I'd be totally fine. But that clearly isn't the case and in light of the insurmountable evidence and real world experience I am forced to change my mind. I want to get the Covid vaccine."Quick Links
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