"Both of them had s*x with each other"
Brazilian social media celebrity Sophia Barclay recently claimed that Paris Saint-Germain forward Neymar was sexually involved with another man at a secret party during the COVID-19 pandemic.
During his time at Barcelona, Neymar was seen as the next big thing in the world of football. However, following his departure from Camp Nou to Parc des Princes, he has not reached the heights expected of him. Moreover, in the past few months, he has become a regular name in the news.
Brazilian influencer Sophia Barclay recently made an interesting claim about the PSG star when she made an appearance on a Brazilian TV show. According to Barclay, the attacker was engaged in sexual activities with famous Brazilian surfer Pedro Scooby at a party during the pandemic era.
"Both of them had sex with each other. Then, the girl and I got in the middle, and they kissed, and everyone kissed. There were no limits," she said on the TV show named 'Chupim'.Barclay also stated that the Brazilian football player forced all the members of the party to leave their mobile devices in a separate room. In addition to that, they were also asked to sign a confidentiality agreement. Nevertheless, Barclay refused to sign the contract and later exposed everything that happened at the secret party.
Pedro Scooby is a pro surfer from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, who is well-versed in big wave surfing and free surfing. He is currently married to Cintia Dicker, who is a model. Scooby also has three children with his ex-wife Luana Piovanni.
Neymar talks about his on-field return under Luis Enrique
Last season, Neymar's campaign was cut short after he suffered a serious ankle injury. The Brazilian had to go through a surgical procedure and has been out of action since early 2023.
The Brazilian attacker has been a part of Luis Enrique's Paris Saint-Germain squad for the pre-season tour to Japan but is yet to play a game. Addressing his on-field return, Neymar avoided stating a date for his comeback.
“I feel good, but I don’t know when I’m going to play again,” the Brazilian attacker told L'Equipe.Amid much speculation over Kylian Mbappe's future, the Brazilian's role becomes vital in the Paris Saint-Germain side under new boss Luis Enrique. Neymar previously made 145 appearances under Enrique at Barcelona, scoring 90 goals and providing 68 assists in the process.
Moreover, with the expected arrival of Ousmane Dembele (via GOAL), the Brazilian attacker will have to use his experience to help his side in the upcoming season.
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